Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Things have been so busy. I am constantly trying to figure out how to juggle all the things I need to do and be somewhat successful at all of them. It goes back to the never-ending struggle of balance. Is this all I write about? It is so frustrating.

First, and most importantly, Mason's doctors are driving me INSANE. And I am seriously considering just telling them, specifically his pediatrician, to shove it. It started around his 1st birthday in September and they were a little concerned with his weight and wanted to make sure that he was ok. They started with one blood test and his BUN levels were elevated (which I found out later could be due to dehydration) but nonetheless led to what seemed to be hundreds of tests. For the record, three of the tests I had to actually put poop into test tubes. He's my angel and all, but that is gross... I still haven't fully recovered. This was a huge process that led to dozens of doctor appointments, and NO result. So, I finally said this is ridiculous and called off the appointments. This child is fine he's happy and inquisitive, sociable and funny. He is fine. Well, I just went in for his latest check up... And now they want me to go to the neurologist. Based on what? SOLELY based on the fact that he isn't walking yet. Ok, he should be walking - I get that - but come on...a neurologist? For the record he does attempt to walk and he has been cruising for months....he is almost 16 months old, though. I have procrastinated the visit. Spending the next several months dealing with neurologists is just something I don't want to think about. And to think it will end the same as the gasterologists with him being fine. I keep thinking that I will KNOW if there is something seriously wrong. I mean that's what mother's intuition is, right? I really feel he is a normal kid that is only around other kids 2 days a week (while I'm at school) and he is just not ready to walk yet. So here is the dilemma... am I a bad mom because I'm not following the doctor's recommendation (or at least postponing it)or at some point do I just say enough is enough and let him just be a kid? All these tests are hard on both of us.

Ok, so on to the other issue. My love-hate relationship with school. For those of you who don't know I am attending Aveda Institute in St. Pete. I go Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and including the drive, they are nearly 13 hour days... I am really glad that I decided to go there. I've met some great people and have learned a lot. It really is a huge change in my life, but one that no doubt will be for the better. There is one problem, though, and it's the school management. As with anything in life, there are a ton of rules, which isn't what I have a problem with. In fact, I think in some ways it makes it a better school with loads of discipline, but my problem is the consequence to many of the broken rules is being sent home (no warnings, no write ups... just sent home). 5 minutes late from break? - home. 16 minutes late to class? - home. Forgot to have the educator do a final check on your client? Hasta la vista, Baby! In my opinion, this is absurd. We all pay (or owe) a ton of good money to this school and to be punished by losing part of our education is crazy. You incidentally have to make up the hours, but you could potentially miss lesson plans, and in turn could end up being less of a stylist. Am I the only one who thinks this is crazy? For the record, I have not been sent home yet, but it is a threat that as a student is looming indefinitely. And in my case, paying an extra day of daycare is a financial burden I can't afford. So, there it is. Aveda.

So, needless to say, life has been a roller coaster lately... But it is what it is, right? Oh! I forgot to mention the freezing weather and the family visits! Too busy complaining, I guess... Well, I'll be more cheerful for my next entry, I promise.