Saturday, May 2, 2009


I arrived in Tampa ripe... When I say ripe, I don't mean stinky, but round and ready to pop... You see I was 9 months pregnant. The trip from Boston was difficult and tiring. I had never been to Tampa before and as I started seeing the signs saying Tampa - 15 miles... I was getting excited. A new baby, a new place, a new life. Don't get me wrong, I liked Boston, in fact, I would say I loved Boston, but that may be a little exaggerated. I liked it a lot, but it was time for a move.

My husband and I are both in the hospitality industry, and we met in Texas in 2001. We were both working at the Hotel Galvez in Galveston and eventually fell in love. I giggle as I type this because our relationship has grown so much since those early days, I find it funny now to reminisce about them. Anyway, we move around every three or so years, so we first moved to DC/Northern Virginia, then to Boston, and now Florida...

So, getting back to arriving in Tampa 9 months pregnant. I was optimistic - really I was - at this point moving is a snap, and I just had to add the preparation for baby to that mix... no big deal right? wrong! When we moved to Boston, we ended up living in the hotel that my husband worked at, for almost a year, while we waited for our house in VA to sell. Thank goodness we didn't have that issue again, and ended up renting in Boston, so my goal was to find a place to live ASAP so I wasn't bringing my baby 'home' to a hotel... Anyway, long story short, we found a place, moved in, I found a Dr. (which was a process in itself since no OBGYN wanted to take me 9 months along)... and then we waited. Mason (our son) decided that staying in my belly - high blood pressure and all - sounded much better than going through that birth canal. Looking back on it now, I don't blame him. So he was a week late, evicted via C-section, and I couldn't be happier.

That was 7 months ago.

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